Since 1994, MAGI has been hard at work advocating trail development and awareness. The MAGI:
- Constructed, installed and maintains information kiosks at John Glenn Grove Trailhead, Bottoms Park Trailhead, Lincoln Park, and Towpath Court Trailhead.
- Developed the “Discover Massillon” trail to safely guide hikers through downtown Massillon.
- Worked with Massillon Parks & Recreation Department to secure a grant along with supplying funding and labor for a connector trail joining the Sippo Valley and Ohio & Erie Canal Trails.
- In conjunction with Rails-to-Trails of Wayne County, MAGI provides maps of the Sippo Valley Trail.
- Sponsors work days to help with maintenance on trails.
Since 1994, MAGI has been hard at work advocating trail development and awareness. The MAGI:
- Constructed, installed and maintains information kiosks at John Glenn Grove Trailhead, Bottoms Park Trailhead, Lincoln Park, and Towpath Court Trailhead.
- Developed the “Discover Massillon” trail to safely guide hikers through downtown Massillon.
- Worked with Massillon Parks & Recreation Department to secure a grant along with supplying funding and labor for a connector trail joining the Sippo Valley and Ohio & Erie Canal Trails.
- In conjunction with Rails-to-Trails of Wayne County, MAGI provides maps of the Sippo Valley Trail.
- Sponsors work days to help with maintenance on trails.